"There are TWO major determinants of community safety. One is how many neighbours we know by name. The other is how often we are present and associated in public - outside our houses. Police activity is a minor protection compared to these two community actions.
- John McKnight & Peter Block, The Abundant Community

Should you have a question that is not covered in our list hereunder, please let us know.
How much does PNRA membership cost?
Please click here to link to our membership page for the fee structure.
Can membership fees be deducted by monthly or annual debit order?
YES. The facility for an annual debit order now exists.
If I receive the PNRA notices and abbreviated newsletters, does that mean I am a member of the PNRA?
NO. We circulate the notices and abbreviated newsletters as a courtesy to keep the community informed about many issues. The PNRA does not receive any public funding, and therefore we do need to cover costs incurred in preparing and delivering such communications, and to cover the costs of several projects.
Accordingly, we encourage you to DO THE RIGHT THING and contribute your membership annually.
What period does my membership cover?
Membership is renewable annually, and covers the period January to December.
Membership fees are not pro rata'd during the year.
Do I receive an invoice for membership?
An invoice can be e-mailed through to you upon request.
I was a member of Parksec. Does this mean that I am automatically a member of the PNRA?
No. The PNRA is the only Residents' Association in Parktown North. To be a member of the PNRA requires that you either pay PNRA membership fees, or become contributor to the PNRA Security Scheme contributor.
The PNRA has no relationship with either Parksec or CORTAC.
We plan on altering our home. Do we require Heritage approval? And how can the PNRA assist me?
If you are doing basic cosmetic work such as re-painting or re-tiling, then you do not require Heritage Approval.
However, if your home is 60 years old and older, and you wish to make more substantial changes to your home, then you will require Heritage Approval. The PNRA is required to provide comment on all applications BEFORE they are submitted to PHRAG (Provincial Heritage Resources Authority Gauteng).
For more details on the process and for all the required application forms, please click here to link to the PNRA Heritage page.